Recently I was re-writing some of my own Haskell code and made it much, much worse. On the bright side, it was a nice excuse to learn a little about GHCs profiling tools. Here’s a quick success story.


The code I was re-writing was for a bit of research I’m doing on describing circuits where the parameters have a huge impact on the circuit topology. Haskell (Clash, specifically) is a nice playground to implement and verify circuits like these.

I was refactoring it to use a common library for all of the graph data structures, rather than using my own custom ones. The original code used 3 different graph structures, each with their own helper functions, and it was getting a little silly. So, at the cost of some type safety, I’m moving to the fgl library, which already has a lot of the functionality I need.


So I’ve written a chunk of this code using the fgl graph… but it was eating up my RAM like nobody’s business! The original implementation didn’t have this issue, so it wasn’t anything fundamental in the algorithm.

I’m being deliberately vague here, but the code is generating a huge graph, which will grow as we demand graphs for larger bit-widths. 12 bits should be achievable, but my new implementation would collapse after 8 bits on a machine with 16 GB!

So, let’s do some profiling to work out what is going wrong here.


There’s a page over at that has a nice summary of profiling with GHC. Let’s use some of those techniques and apply it to my new program.

1) Compile the program (AdderGraphFgl) with GHC and extra arguments to include profiling information for all bindings — even functions defined in where clauses, etc.

ghc -prof -fprof-auto -rtsopts AdderGraphFgl

2) Run the program and ask for profiling output

./AdderGraphFgl +RTS -p

The output is now in Let’s take a look at the first few lines in this file.

                                                                                                                      individual      inherited
COST CENTRE       MODULE                            SRC                                            no.     entries  %time %alloc   %time %alloc

MAIN              MAIN                              <built-in>                                     145          0    0.0    0.0   100.0  100.0
 CAF              Main                              <entire-module>                                289          0    0.0    0.0   100.0  100.0
  emptyMag        Main                              AdderGraphFgl.hs:166:1-30                      311          1    0.0    0.0     0.0    0.0
   insNode        Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph        Data/Graph/Inductive/Graph.hs:273:1-30         312          1    0.0    0.0     0.0    0.0
  main            Main                              AdderGraphFgl.hs:214:1-52                      290          1    0.0    0.0   100.0  100.0
   showsPre       Main                              AdderGraphFgl.hs:19:15-18                      390       4568    0.0    0.0     0.0    0.0

We get a few things from this output, including:

  • Call description:
    • The name, line number, and module of each function called
  • Number of entries to each function
  • Percentage of total time and memory allocation spent in each function, shown in 2 ways:
    • Individual — what % was spent in the code directly within this function?
    • Inherited — what % was spent in this function and all of the functions this one calls?

To find the source of my problem, let’s scroll down this file and look for any suspiciously high “Individual” percentages.

Sure enough, there’s a few culprits, all within the nextEdgePair function:

                                                                                                                      individual      inherited
COST CENTRE          MODULE                            SRC                                            no.     entries  %time %alloc   %time %alloc

nextEdgePair.ids     Main                              AdderGraphFgl.hs:65:9-69                       425      12939    7.4   10.9    85.5   82.2
 edgeLabel           Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph        Data/Graph/Inductive/Graph.hs:257:1-21         430  177200460    1.3    0.0     1.3    0.0
 emap                Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph        Data/Graph/Inductive/Graph.hs:(227,1)-(229,26) 427      12939    0.0    0.0    37.5   46.6
  gmap               Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph        Data/Graph/Inductive/Graph.hs:217:1-33         428      12939    0.0    0.0    37.5   46.6
   ufold             Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph        Data/Graph/Inductive/Graph.hs:(209,1)-(213,23) 429   23068745   35.9   46.6    37.5   46.6
    pairID           Main                              AdderGraphFgl.hs:16:5-10                       431  177200460    1.6    0.0     1.6    0.0
 uniq                Main                              AdderGraphFgl.hs:203:1-24                      426          0   39.4   24.7    39.4   24.7

We’re spending 85% of the time in the nextEdgePair function and there are parts of it entered 177 million times! Let’s go back to the source code and see what’s going on here.

My bad code

Before we look at the nextEdgePair function, let’s look at my graph type. I’m using DynGraph from the fgl library, which takes two type parameters — a node label type and an edge label type.

In this case, the node label is just an Int, but the edge label is more complex. In this graph, I really need to group edges into pairs.

I’m essentially modelling a graph of different combinations of 2-input adders, so I need to pair up inputs to each adder node.

To do this, I make the edge label a record structure that has a pair ID field to help group the edges into pairs, as well as any other edge data I need to track.

type NLabel = Int

data ELabel = EL {
    pairID :: Int
  , shift  :: Int
  , ...
  } deriving (Show, Read, Eq)

type LookupGraph gr = gr NLabel ELabel

OK, now that we understand the need for these edge pairID values, let’s take a peek at the nextEdgePair function. If we give this function a graph, it should return the next unused pairID value (which we’ll need when safely adding new edges!).

-- | Get next available edge pair ID
nextEdgePair :: DynGraph gr
             => LookupGraph gr -- ^ Input graph
             -> Int            -- ^ Next edge pair ID
nextEdgePair gr = fst . head . filter (\(a,b)->a/=b) $ zip [0..] (ids ++ [-1])
  where ids = sort . uniq . map edgeLabel . labEdges $ emap pairID gr

The thing that jumps out at me is that the ids where clause uses sort and uniq, both of which will evaluate the entire list of edges! So, every time we want to add an edge to this huge graph, we have to do a computation over all of the existing edges first!

That’s a bit daft, and I should’ve thought about that while writing the code! Regardless, we still got to the bottom of it after a little profiling.

So, how should I have structured this in the first place?

My better code

There’s no avoiding the pairID tracking without changing the graph structure, but let’s not go down that route because the whole point of this refactoring was to settle on an existing library!

The other approach is to change the scope of the pairID labels. Instead of numbering these globally for a graph, why not label them with respect to the node that they lead into? The new ELabel type would look like:

data ELabel = EL {
    pairID :: (NLabel, Int) 
  , shift  :: Int
  , ...
  } deriving (Show, Read, Eq)

This way we don’t have to look at all edges, just all edges leading into one node. Also the rest of the algorithm will only ever incrementally add edges (we only remove them if the node is replaced), so we don’t even need to look at the pairID values — just count the total number and divide by 2! The updated version of nextEdgePair is then:

nextEdgePair gr node = (node, length (pre gr node) `div` 2)

Comparing execution times of these two implementations gets a little embarrassing… the improved code has a total wall-clock time of 0.52 seconds for 8-bit words, as reported by the GHC profiling. The face-palm inducing implementation runs in 4:21 minutes.
